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This is a Google Certification Level 1 training resource for educators and other interested parties.
Google-Based Resources:
- Fundamentals Training: Google - This is the official Google training course. It’s helpful for the multiple-choice section.
- Google Help - For specific help with an app.
Task-Based Resources from Les Moskaliuk:
These gave a good idea of what skills you would need to have.
- July 28/29 - GCE - L1 Bootcamp P1A - Les Moskaliuk
- July28/29 - GCE - L1 Bootcamp P1B - Les Moskaliuk
Corresponding Task Videos:
- Google Certified Educator Level 1 Boot Camp, with Les Moskaliuk - Part 1
- Google Certified Educator Level 1 Boot Camp, with Les Moskaliuk - Part 2