All student technology including chargers are to be returned at the time of withdraw and fees are to be paid. (Process for campus transfer is at the end of this doc.)
- Call the campus tech to the office. They have withdraw procedures.
- If campus tech is not available, call the Help Desk at x5629 for information on what device the student should be returning.
- If student is not returning a device at all, please call Technology Services at 817-251-5482 while the parent is still there.
- If campus tech is not available, call the Help Desk at x5629 for information on what device the student should be returning.
- Check Skyward to see if student has a hotspot and/or outstanding technology fees.
- All technology fees are to be paid before the withdraw is completed.
Fee for unreturned hotspot is $25. If the hotspot is returned but not the charger it’s a $10 fee. Hotspot info used to be in Skyward but we stopped doing that a year or so ago.
Skyward now shows outstanding fees that were also incurred at a different campus. This is only visible if fees are checked from the Customers-CU section of Skyward (not the Fee Mgmt section of the Profile)
If fees need to be applied at the time the parent is there, please call Diane Isbell at 817-251-5304 or Shylene Sanchez at 817-251-5792.
- Call the campus tech to the office. They have transfer procedures.
- If campus tech is not available, call the Help Desk at x5629 for information on what device the student has assigned to them.
- Laptop, iPad, and/or hotspots go with the student to the new campus
- Parent is to clear all technology fees before transferring