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We have several hundred email lists in GCISD which is a lot but it's easy to find the one you want if you know how.
Start a new email and click on the word TO in the header.
You'll get a pop-up window that will show your own contacts (if you have any saved.) Click on the My Contacts label on the right and change it to Directory.
It will be empty by default.
ALL email ists in the district start with the words "List-". In the search field, type List- then the campus initials or admin (example: List-CHS or List-admin) then press Return (or Enter.)
You will be shown all the lists that contain those words in the first part of the name. When you find the one you want, hover your mouse over it. You will see a box next to the name. Click the box then click Insert.
The list address will be inserted into the To field of your email. You can repeat for other lists if you like.
If you hover your mouse over the list address you will see the members of that list.