Verified 09/23 KS
Cross-Listing Courses in Canvas
How to merge all of your like Canvas courses into one access point for ease in creating lessons.
CAUTION: If you do not do this correctly, it is not something that you can undo easily on your own. Please submit a help desk ticket and select "Coaching/Professional Learning" if you need help.
Cross-listing allows you to move section enrollments from individual courses and combine them into one course, called the umbrella course. This feature is helpful for instructors who teach several sections of the same course and only want to manage course data in one location.
Cross-Listing your Courses: Step-by-Step
1. Choose which course is the umbrella course. This is the course that all of the other courses will be filed into. In the example below, this teacher has several course sections of the same class. She chose the first "Period 02" course as her umbrella and "starred" it so that it would show up on her dashboard.
2. Find the unique course ID for that course. Hint: Open the course and look for the numbers at the end of the URL at the top of the screen.
3. Highlight the course ID with your mouse and copy it. This will save it to your clipboard so that you can paste it later.
4. Open one of the courses that you want to put under the umbrella course.
5. Select Settings in the Course Navigation bar.
6. In the settings menu, select the Sections tab. Under the course section, there is a link that has the course name listed. Click on it.
7. On the right side of your screen is a menu. Find and click on the button that says Cross-List this Section.
8. In the pop-up menu, paste the code that you copied from the umbrella course. The course name should populate in the space below.
9. Select the button that says Cross-List This Section
10. A pop-up will appear at the top of the screen to tell you that the course was successfully cross-listed.
11. In your dashboard or course list, you will notice that a section of your courses has disappeared. It is now listed "under" the umbrella course.
12. Repeat this process with the remaining courses.
13. When you are all done, be sure to rename the course so that it is accurate. That can easily be done from the course card on your dashboard.
If you need more assistance, watch the video below and/or submit a help ticket directly to the Instructional Technology Team.